News and Updates

Over 21,000 Microbusiness Women Owners Served by I The Egyptian Microloan program in 10 centers in Greater Cairo

To lay the foundation for launching our pilot program, the microloan program created and managed by our partner, I The Egyptian, is currently serving over 21,000 women, many of whom are repeat clients with budding business skills—and all of whom are the sole breadwinner in their respective households. Global Bounty will select a few enterprising candidates from this pool to sell the nutrient dense Nebo™ food products and to enroll in the life skills curriculum. One of our goals is to teach these hard-working women how to move beyond mere survival to creating a viable small business.

12 Lessons Ready for Life Skills Curriculum Launch

Phase One of the life skills film-and-discussion curriculum will include twelve of the twenty short drama films already produced. Trained local instructors and discussion facilitators will lead a group of women in twelve weeks of learning by discovery as they watch and debate the topics presented. “Nightingale” is one of the twelve films. The story of Ibtissam, a simple young woman from the south of Egypt who seeks a future in the big city of Cairo, illustrates key issues like identity, education and pursuing one’s dreams in the midst of adverse circumstances.